Tuesday, 16 November 2010

It dreams of dreams...

Oh foolish me
Dear God you see
My little heart
As faint as can be
It listens not
It dreams of dreams
It listens not
To what I tell it
Of things that are not for me.

It wants on for them

Them things that
I'd be better off
dreaming not of for me.

Oh foolish me

Dear God you see
My little heart
As stubborn as can be
It listens not
It dreams of dreams
It listens not
To what I tell it
Of things that are not for me.

I know not everything

Is meant to be right
If someone else got it
I can't too want it. 

Oh foolish me 

Dear God You see
My little heart
As strong as can be
It listens not

It dreams of dreams
It listens not
To what I tell it
Of things that are not for me.    

It must live knowing 

That reality is different 
And this is how  
For it, it was meant to be.

Oh foolish me

Dear God you see
My little heart
Alone when with me
It listens not
It dreams of dreams
It listens not
To what I tell it
Of things that are not for me.

Gwyneth Herbert : lyrics to, Only Love Can Break Your Heart.

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