Saturday 3 July 2010

Seemingly Never-Ending Baffling Conspiracy...

When the pain is deep
When the heart mind body and soul
All together begin to weep...

When the voices are drowned

And only one is on rebound
A deadening hush over all itself bequeaths...

When pain is abound

And hurt of all kinds is constantly flung around
In that moment the very life of you wishes to cease...

Then in prayer yet again

You bow your head earnest and stop all pretence
For a release from this seemingly baffling conspiracy.


Saibal Barman said...

An admirable piece of beauty…some deep expressions..somewhat elegiac, yet strong and conscious in defining itself. I love it for it attempts to unmask façade of conflicting emotions without any great ambition to epitomize truth…I simply love that simplest truth.

Hayaah said...

Im getting hooked to the beauty of your words and the perception with which you respond to mine. I really look forward to hearing your take on whatever spouts out of my pen (keyboard?). -Elegiac- had me re-reading myself to see how you would think so :)

Thank you kindly for taking out time to attend to my humble attempts of expression that are usually mostly just rants taking ease in venting out through words...

Best wishes,

magiceye said...

beautifully expressed

Hayaah said...

Thank you Magiceye... Im humbled that you think so :)