You breathe in...
You breathe out...
You egg yourself on, to not bend over, not react, but to go on, staggering yet standing tall - as tall as tall can in such circumstances let you get away with. Where does one turn to in order to soak up on a reserve of energy and patience that at times like such seems alarmingly dwindling? Turn one's heart back up to their Maker Sublime and beg for rations that can help cope with such obtuse requirements, for otherwise functioning human aid seems like its knees are diligently being knocked at. So much so, that it could cave thus, any moment now - time is ticking on by in her head, like a set of dynamites waiting to combust at the harkening of just one defining click.
To smithereens all shall come to rest.
Moments have magical contents...they are minute components of time, but transcend beyond bounds of time...some time are immortalised in emotive forms to exist external to its own root of existence. It bears wonder in having and not having one infite sense in unison although in different perspectives...the emotion, passion, expectation, virtual dependence, appreciation and perception presents prismatic reflections of a single beam of sensation in diverse shaft of anguish of today turns into a delightful engaging past may also turn into an unbearable severance...
Life would have been just a spell to breath in and breath out had there been no tryst with wonders called moments....
The rest is definitely the finality...but, restlessness is what drives a soul to crave for fathomless silence...the deepest slumber...
Nice to read you after a long time..take care, my dear friend !
Vice versa dear Sir!
Always a pleasure, having you respond with your pearls [and your take], to my words...
Indeed what you say is true. The many intricacies of human enigma sure are draining, yet fascinating, all rolled into one in times spinning.
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