Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Crossroads No More?

I think I'm at that point on a road, where I want to stop and reassess the things that I have been thinking I want... Perhaps none of the choices I make will be wrong. I am certain that despite the route I take, the lessons will all meet in conformity at the same point in the end; their travels albeit shall remain undecided upon, ie. whether they will be long, short, easy, hard, or somewhere in the mix of it all. In this thought I want to linger with positivity, until positivity its harvest has reaped as proof to show, InshaAllah - Ameen.


Saibal Barman said...

I absolutely agree with you while being in amazement of sensing the depth of resoluteness in you...
I feel reassured of an old man's saying...hope is only an offspring of self belief...
Have a nice day !!

Hayaah said...

Why, thank you!

I hope the resoluteness achieves its set goal, or atleast come close enough to it, leading to a semblance of satisfaction, inshaAllah :)

''Hope is only an offspring of self belief...''

I like that!