Tuesday 15 June 2010

A Cup of Tea


Never thought about why I wanted to make a cup of tea when things got wry. Its been an adage of sorts, to make tea for people when there is distraught amidst/amongst them. Its been made through history in moments of all kinds - happy or otherwise. Ive been able to afford tea when Ive been broke and unable to afford beyond the basic grocery items like bread egg butter and milk to last a week or more. Tea has been a consistent friend; dependable, available, complacent.

I realise how I turn to tea when Im being restless, or numb, or troubled, or simply just alone (or wishing to remain alone) - there it is, by my side, waiting to be reached out to and sipped from, or just quietly sitting by my side completely okay with being left untouched and running cold. It never complains. Its always just there.

Comforting indeed...


Shaz Originals said...

I so agree with you on this one....chai is like this. eternal listener.... its with you when you to just relax after a tiring fulfilling ??? day at work , when ure lonely and yet want to do something for ureself.. when with family and frnds... and like you said.. it never complains... how god bebo only if we realized the things we seek comfort to... !!!and comforting they are indeed !! :)

Hayaah said...

Yea.. it was one wretched moment while I silently sat with my cup of chai, when I realised it so and jst sat down to write something about it...

:) There are many other things that we dont stop to tap into by means of self realisation Im sure... Im on a missing to keep reflecting while I remain with far too much idle time on my hand.