Saturday, 16 May 2009

The Bliss of Childhood Sweetly Beckons

With my eyes closed I see a face. One that would be by my side to make everything that happens in my life – okay.

That face is a blur waiting to take on a clear form, so it can stop being suffocated and start living…

A hand reaches out to hold the warmth of another. One that would fit just right and hold it through ‘the thicks’ and ‘the thins’ together…

Sighs escape these lips that wish not to sin, hushed by fingers that softly echo the same desire.

Why does adulthood have to come with so many pangs and aches?

The bliss of childhood beckons my tired mind to escape into the peace and reassurance that were a part of those times, to envelop me in their ignorance and heal my now…


Ommara said...

Being a muslim adult is definitely hard hehe but hey our time will come!:P

Cynthia said...

So true Hayaah, adulthood vs. childhood, the
bliss of carefree days. Cool cadence to your
poem, a wondering captured.

Farhat said...

I think it is all relative. I think some people's childhoods are pretty horrific but yes for the majority, childhood is relatively 'better' then adulthood simply because we can attribute naivete to it...ignorance indeed then was bliss.

Hayaah said...

Ommarah u sure identified one aspect of the post spot on :) *sigh*

Cynthia Thanx :) From one who depicts images as beautifully as u do, ur words are truly humbling :)

Phoenix Rising Thanx for visiting my blog :) I do know about horrific childhoods... Part of mine was suicidal in hindsight... Hence the usage of words 'peace and reassurance that were a part of those times...' I was referring to the moments that werent pure agony. Ill refrain from mentioning which were and why. But yes, the ones that were cucooned in naivette and ignorance, indeed were what I was referring to :)