Wednesday, 27 May 2009


The clock doesn’t gong until the hour is struck and the alarm doesn’t ring until then either!

Things happen. We are unable to gauge the good or the bad of them, until that moment has come and gone. We can sieve through it all, only after it has happened.

Having embraced the intricacy of this realisation, I am slowly and steadily trying to stop stressing over the unknown of tomorrow from now on. What is the point? We just can’t change anything before its time has come, and neither can we be sure of its doom until it has happened. Not until the hour has struck, why worry!

Sure… I’ll prepare in advance but I will start trying, to stop worrying about the unknown until time announces reason for me to do so, here forth iA!

For I shall never know until the time is right…

Only Allah swt Knows Best and without an iota of doubt, He is The Best of Planners!

*disclaimer* These were thoughts that came to me while hearing the song above. They're not about relationships only. The lyrics may suggest otherwise, but my thoughts here, are a little about everything that has been thrown out to me in life up until now in general...


Linda S. Socha said...

Well said and true!

Hayaah said...

Hey Linda! Thanx and I hope ure well :)

Ive been totally caught up and simply dont get the time to catch up on any reading of other blogs... looking frwd to a 10 day break in a few days and hope im able to catch up on as many as possible then :)

love and hugs!

(c) znc said...

pretty song. your writings are like a breath of fresh air :)

Hayaah said...

re: song - isn't it just! I love the piano and the melody too! :)

Thank you so much for the compliment Z . Coming from a lovely gifted writer as yourself, mA, that is quite HUGE for me... very humbling indeed...

Ommara said...

Have recently been trying to do the same -stop trying to plan for everything..and analysing why things just dont happen -whats the point. While I say it plenty just dont live in the moment enough ..we really waste our youth by dreaming and wanting so much to happen tomorrow ...if things dont happen ..there is a reason ..but lets hold on to today as carefully as we can wont come again .A pleasure to read as always x

Ommara said...

wow quite a song ..

Anonymous said...

You're right, why stress over things you don't know about. I've really wasted alot of my life doing that, --it feels good to finally live moments now, rather than preparing for them.
<3 hope you're well iA, I've been really busy with my new job and school. but have been meaning to stop by, you always surprise me when i do.

Hayaah said...

super stressed with the course im doing at the mmnt and mid way towards finishing it!

will get back to replying in a sane manner, hopefully sooner than later my dear ladies! :)

*apologies for not being active* = |

love and hugs!