Wednesday 25 March 2009

Go away, please go away...

You set the bar too high
Left all my choices awry
Nothing seemed to meet the mark
Not even close did another soul flock
Why did I see that perfection in you?
Was it our friendship that to you my heart drew?
Days of peace when I thought that I'm over you
Come flashing back memories and when again I see you
Remove you from my mind I want
Erase that perfection which in you I found
A smile of yours or a moment shared
Brings it all back into the loop I dread
As over and over you have clearly stated
That with me your heart mind body has sated
A connection dear as friends that is rare
Because of a past that together we shared
Easily block me from your thoughts you can
A task over time I find that I too can
But when the days are sad and low
Seeking your company is where my heart goes
Lost with time your body is gone
Heart and soul given to another someone
In lonely moments you come back to mind
Escaping where you I had locked away so as not to find
Torturing me with your presence alive
Being there as somebody elses prize
I had wanted for us to be for each other
A sanctuary that we'd find in one another
Leave you in the recesses where I should not go
I keep reminding myself that I dont need your blows
That I must seek my happiness with a he whom
I could count on to bring my essense to bloom
Stop comparing all others to you I must
If only now life would stop testing my crusts
Crumble away I will with time
If I dont stop the way for you my heart pines
I must remind myself that out there is more
And that you simply set the bar too high
So I must stop going back to where I
Had given you my all only to have it all torn
Gone are you and away is where you must stay
Till finally comes a day when for someone else my heart'll sway.

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