Take me to a shore that allows me to float upon it, take my time, and come to a semblance of some rest…
Take me over to a bridge that stands around me, gives me strength, and saves me from tipping myself and falling over...
Take me to a road that can bear the weight of me upon it, and allow me to walk straight on to a place where I seem to need to go…
To a house that is built with walls of sturdiness, with boulders of peace, cemented with an abundance of mercy…
Give me a heart serene and calm, that sees beauty in all things - and if not - it still tries very hard to…
Give me eyes that are not mere tools which judge all that is unfamiliar and new…
Take me to a place where the shore will let me float about it, and hold me close to its bosom…
Where I will have come home, and all will be right with everything…
Insha’Allah; Ameen.
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