Monday, 4 July 2011

Not For Me Or I...

I closed my eyes, and there you were. A distant dream, very mirage like picturesque. A touch beyond surreal you were. Before imagined, not real, not reel. I closed my eyes, and gone you were. An imagination, or true yesterday? I know not now of then when spent. I closed my eyes, and someone's there. A distant whim of wishes, a moments glimmer, a hushed fear. I close my eyes, and try not to care. I hope unabashedly, but my lips are too scared; for it never before happened and what if again it is to be so? Thus closed, leave them to remain shall I. No fear to fester, no tear for lack of gesture. No, not for a lack of you and I. No, not for me or I.


Anonymous said...

You're getting good at this MA!! Gorgeous verses...just one tiny bit of feedback...the white is very bright against the black...making it a tad hard to read...maybe its my screen tho :PP Nuzy xx

Hayaah said...

Thankoo Nuzy, Love that you liked. Appreciate your dropping in, and doubly so for the feedback.

InshaAllah, Ill try tweeking it when I get back home from India. For now Im just dropping in at random from borrowed internet while holidaying...


KP said...

Extremy expressive..! very good one..

Hayaah said...

My words spoke to you, for that - Thanks much! :)

Farheen said...

rendered me speechless...beautiful !!

Hayaah said...

Thanks Farheen! :)

(Curious mind begs to ask: Do I know you from somewhere?)

Saibal Barman said...

Very impressive work....I have been off for quite some time and just dropped in here to read all new uploads in one go...(although I leave a few jottings here)....
The eternal inspiration of life emerges out of an endless form of you and I...this duality pursues a confluence where both merge into a unique flow...
It may seem too philosophical to portray life and relationship upon such an imaginary sky, but in real experiences of ours, the dual existences in relationship truly seek for a complete union so long it has abundant depth in its dreams of a mother and her child...the first relationship in life for a new born...and it progresses along with hopes and finally embrace a greater "YOU" and a richer "I"...the urge for a space where only that enormous "You" stands before "I" ultimate union with the Creator...
Life will go on offering newer and newer trepidations for a pure soul to test how far it truly seeks to pursue...
All my best wishes, dear friend

Hayaah said...

Dear Sir,

Always a delight having you stop by with your fascinating musings on my humble narratives. I love how you say it, hopes and fallibility. You always leave me speculating deeper, albeit in a whole another light, after reading your take on my words... It's always a splendid walk, I must add. Thanks for taking me on these new roads of a different perspective.

Do chirp in with your wisdom, when time allows, on other posts that catch your eye :)

Until then, best wishes to you too~