Monday, 16 May 2011

Off She Goes to Grow Up (iA)

Your time has come, and I feel like I am in some ways still not ready - Alas, it has been a long wait, so brush my feelings aside I do under a guise of busyness that shall keep a check on these wily emotions of mine.

So much going on; to add to which we have an abundance of unnecessary chaos - of emotions, words, feelings, and things of material insignificance. Your face expresses what your tongue holds back; I know, because I have pretty much raised you alongside my ma and na. The last 18 years have been spent ignoring your disrespect, accepting your differences, laughing at your wise cracks, adoring your little overtures, and loving you despite all that I may disagree with; all encompassing of everything that makes you - you. You are a little part of me, as is your disgruntled but oh so sensible other older sib-sis, and I love you both in ways that go beyond words and actions. Little meaning my words may have for either of you at most times, but in this insignificant chamber of mine I crawl into nevertheless, to leave my emotionally laden thoughts for safe keeping.

Off go you to those shores afar that we have steadily for months fought tirelessly for, in aspirations of your better tomorrows. May your journey to these unknown lands be forever in the Shade of His Pristine Mercy, your companions be righteous and honest, your heart be strong and confident, your actions resolute and unshaken - May you be surrounded by His Blessings Kind, and around yourself always find Him Sublime - keeping you Safe and under His Light - AMEEN!

I look forward to seeing you return - knowing full well that there remain 24 hours still yet until you depart - a happier, stronger and wiser Nummers! My duas along with a tiny piece of me, go with you. Take care my youngest little star - B'dee loves you...

~ FiamaanAllah.


Saibal Barman said...

Wishes are flowers which never lose its sacred fragrance even when dried up so long it remain offerings at the altar of love....
Take care,

Anonymous said...

I understand how you feel...May Allah be with her(always) and keep her safe and guide her all the time..Ameen!

Sanaa said...

Your words never sounded better. I could eat them up with cheese and butter. A VERY HEART-FELT AMEEN TO ALL YOUR DUAS! We love you as much if not more, bdee. <3

Hayaah said...

Dear Sir, thanks so much! I love the way you put it :) I send best wishes your way too...

Dear Anonymous, JazakAllah Khayr for your duas and thank you for stopping by with your kind words. They're truly appreciated

Dear Sparkles, you and Star are my wee wittle alls. <3 u, definitely more, cos I'm bigger - thus more able :P
Ps. cheese and butter, really? o_O