Thursday, 4 November 2010

''Religion Police''

The past 30 years of my life, I have been born and raised in Saudi Arabia. Yes, the very country that to date is STILL heard of as being behind the times as far as rights of women are concerned. What was a sad sad sad thing to witness for me today, was that in 2010 - after having defended this country of its idiosyncrasies for so long - I was harassed by the very fanatics that most who have lived here as long or longer than I, thought were no more, if not all bygone by now...

Such, I realised today, was going to be a very far away tomorrow (if at all possible one day), for as long as this Monarchy were to reign. Why? Because Democracy would ensure that voices of the educated (slowly yet consistently increasing) be heard; be made to count. But until that were to happen, the Ignoramuses who claim to be the know it all's -rather demand it- will always bring disgrace to their creed, their religion, their people and the history of a religion that to me is my very spirit - Islam!

I am ashamed by the actions of a select few who demand that all and sundry convert to their interpretation of the Holy Grail. I am ashamed to share the same belief system, that seems to be practiced on a whole another level by some who seem to have lost the very essence of what they claim to believe in - simply because they are too lost in following this system as it was handed down to them without question, somewhere having been intertwined with cultural beliefs that began to confuse themselves with the core of these religious beliefs that in my minds eye, all lead to the same God, the same teachings and the SAME essence.

I do not belong to the fanatics. I do not wish to belong to anyone, anywhere NEAR them... What upsets me is that these fanatics that still run free -thank God not rampant- are the ones who make even their own brethren HATE muslims like them when they inflict pain and hypocrisy first hand to their fellow humans - thinking they are the direct messengers of God Himself (Astaghfirullah).

The last I checked - Lakum Deenakum Walya Deen  [Quran 109:6] - is what our esteemed beloved Prophet Muhammad pbuh taught us, and that is what we have in the teachings of our Quran...

What makes some MEN believe that they are the custodians of Islam, the soldiers of its message, the beholders of its authenticity, I'll never be able to fathom! Thus, I pray to my Maker, swt,  to give me the patience to not react to the ignorance of this 'religion police', and be blessed with never having to face their lot upfront ever again, insha'Allah... Ameen!


Harish P I said...

such fanatics are the curse of all relcigions.

Hayaah said...

Well said, indeed!
Thanx for dropping in and commenting... you wrapped up my spiel quite concisely!

S said...

Ameen. I hope none of us ever have to deal with them ever. Saudi Arabia has been defamed enough because of them. I no longer live in Saudi Arabis but constantly defend it. However,hearing about the MUTTAWAS and their antics make it increasingly difficult to defend Saudi Arabia and consequently Islam. Episodes like the adult breast feeding do not help the image either.So Ameen 'to never having to face their lot upfront again'..:)

Hayaah said...

Exactly S. Thanks for taking the time to stop and read my rant about it. If only this issue is dealt with by the people of this place more seriously!