Monday 24 May 2010


A random browsing of old familiar song names brought me upon a link; unfamiliar yet interesting...

Lyrics (copy paste link to access):

My mind wrapped itself around the haunting chorus and refused to let go. Words began spiraling inside my head, fusing with thoughts some recent some old; recent based on those who matter and those old, having now gone cold...

I think based on what ''I'' have experienced. My experiences have been multifaceted, yet remain monofold. When saying this, perhaps what I mean is that I only know of things that I felt. I could only, simply imagine at best, what the other felt since I couldn't live through any of it as 'he/they' did...


Are we really that Selfish?

How do we put someone through a pain so profuse -intense- knowing what it feels like?

Do we get into these positions knowing that there will be no future in them? Or is it that one of us knows this, while the other remains in denial or a false hope; dare I say perchance even a deliberate lie?

The lies of ''Love''...
The facade of ''Love''...
The ''illusions'' of ''Love''...

The realities exist far and in between...

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